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To enhance and strengthen the institutional capacity of the local government system in Kerala to deliver services and undertake basic administrative and governance functions more effectively and in a sustainable manner, the Government of Kerala has formulated Kerala Local Government Service Delivery Project

The Project will benefit all the 978 Grama Panchayats (GPs) and 60 Municipalities in the State. Investments made by the GPs and Municipalities will indirectly benefit the entire population of the State outside the five City Corporation areas. The estimated cost of the Project is Rs 1195.8 crore

Friday, April 1, 2016

Conference cum Training Hall in Andoorkkonam Grama Panchayat Office (Thiruvananthapuram District)

Andoorkkonam Grama Panchayat in Thiruvananthapuram District took projects such as Market Construction, Panchayat Office Renovation, Crematorium and Anganvadi in the previous years using Performance Grant. The KLGSDP team documented some of these projects as it has good elements regarding the service delivery aspect. The team projected the physical, environmental and economical components of those projects. Many Local Bodies in Trivandrum District visited these projects during the time of project formulation. The Officials and Elected Representatives of Andoorkkonam Grama Panchayat are very much interested to provide guidance to other Local Bodies regarding the projects.

Through this motivation Andoorkkonam repeatedly plans to implement qualitative projects. The Performance Grant allotted to Andoorkkonam Grama Panchayat in 2014-15 is Rs. 3323000. By knowing the impact of a qualitative project, the Panchayat unanimously decided to use the whole Grant for the construction of a Conference cum Training Hall on the first floor of the Panchayat Office.

The project is completed in the FY 2015-16 and it was inaugurated by Sri. Palode Ravi, Deputy Speaker and member of the Kerala Legislative Assembly. Government trainings are conducted for free of rent.

The seating capacity of the hall is 350. It has 2 attached toilets and wash counters. The platform of the dice is constructed by using the waste materials obtained from the dismantling of some portions of the building. In the ceiling, they are give thermal insulation with resin bonded rock wool. Thermal insulation is an important element of energy conservation. It helps keep buildings warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Thermal insulation lowers utility costs and cuts energy consumption. Thermal insulation improves energy efficiency, which reduces greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change.

To keep the conference cum training hall waste free, the Grama Panchayat is planning to purchase utensils such as re-usable plates and glasses and also planning to construct a biogas plant in the coming financial years. The cleanliness of the hall is safe in the hands of Kudumbashree members of the Panchayat. Quality food supply is also ensured by them. Thereby the women get some financial support for themselves.

In this situation the LSGD Assistant Engineer Mr. Dinaj revealed “we know very much the impact of a qualitative project and that knowledge is our strength and motivation to move ahead”. Team work of the officials and the Elected members also play a huge role in the success of each and every activity of the Panchayat. 

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